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Quadriceps Resistance Training Exercise Stretch
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With all of the lower body resistance training exercises we have been doing, we need to teach you how to properly stretch your quads. Stretching may seem very easy to some, but it can be painful, and if you don’t know how to properly stretch with resistance bands, you could get injured. In our last post, we gave you a resistance training exercise stretch for your hamstrings. In this post we will be focusing on the opposite side of your legs, the quadriceps.
The quadriceps are the stronger muscle group of your entire body! They are the biggest, and they can do some serious work! We’ve been training you to make your quads stronger than ever before, so before we get too carried away, let’s explain how you can loosen up your tight quads for some much-needed relief from soreness.
- Make sure you have a Triletics CardioBand in your hand and lay down on the left side of your body.
- Once you’re comfortable on your side, bend your right knee and wrap the resistance band around the toe of your foot.
- Holding on to the band with your hands and keeping resistance in the band, roll onto your stomach.
- Hold the band over your head with both hands and pull the band towards the wall in front of you, until you feel a good stretch.
- Only go as far as you can with this stretch. Hold for 30 seconds and then relax.
- Switch legs and repeat #1-#5.
Do this stretch after every quad exercise to help keep your quads mobile. Stay tuned for our next resistance training exercise stretch blog!
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